For install mysqltcl unzip the file in your Tcl/lib dictonary. (default C:/Tcl/lib dependent on your Tcl install path).
Warning!. This binaries will work only with 32-bit tcl system. You will need to recompile it if you are using 64-bit Tcl/Tk distribution.
NMake file to
that can be used to compile mysqltcl with free Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 which is compatible to AcitveState distribution. Copy
this file to directory generic of mysqltcl source package. Please
addapt this file for your configuration first.
Windows binary 2.30
Tested with Active State Tcl8.4.3 package and mysql4.0
To install it unzip the file in your Tcl/lib dictonary. (default C:/Tcl/lib dependent on your Tcl install path).
How to compile
Thanks to Ramon Ribo (ramsan10 at terra dot es) for windows binary and some infos how
to compile mysqltcl2.0 under windows VS 8.
To compile the code in Windows with Visual Studio 6 the following must be
Create a dynamic library project in VS 6
Add file mysqltcl.c to the project
Add the preprocessor definition: USE_TCL_STUBS (for compiling as a stub
Set the include directories to the TCL path and mysql path
example: C:\tcltk\tcl8.3.4\generic,C:\mysql\include
Set the link directory to the TCL path and mysql path
example: C:\TclTk\tcl8.3.4\win\Release,C:\mysql\lib\debug
Link with tclstub83.lib and libmySQL.lib
Do not forget to place your libmysql.dll in your common
library place or together with your compiled mysqltcl.dll. I last case
your must change to dictonary with mysqltcl.dll and load it.
The common way to install mysql (or every tcl package) is to make new
dictonary mysqltcl in your Tcl/lib and copy libraries into it. Next
your need to create pkgIndex.tcl file that register mysqltcl as
package. Please build the file as below.
proc loadmysqltcl { dir } {
set oldcwd [pwd]
cd $dir
load mysqltcl[info sharedlibextension]
cd $oldcwd
package ifneeded mysqltcl 2.30 [list loadmysqltcl $dir]
mysqltcl_win.c the mysqltcl.c changed from Ramon Ribo to work on Windows. It base on mysqltcl2.0
Make new dictionary mysqltcl in lib dictionary of your tcl installation. Copy contents of zip file in this dictionary.
WEB-Master Artur Trzewik
Last modified: Mon Jan 3 18:54:14 CET 2005